As of 1 December 2020, under the
subsidy agreement as part of the competition 1/1.1.1/2020 Fast track to NCBR,
we started working on a project for the development of manufacturing
technologies of timber construction materials that are made from small-sized
postprocessing and waste wood (class S3 timber).
The project value amounts to
PLN 8,029,369.75, with PLN 4,817,621.25 covered by the subsidy.
The baseline for the planned research is the
invention of a device machine in which timber poles or offcuts are moving in a continuous manner, splintering in multiple planes. The plant material is
disintegrated into strips of fibres making up a “mat” of any low thickness.
After drying and covering with adhesive, the obtained material can be joined
into properly moulded stacks or pressed into a beam or sheet of virtually
unlimited dimensions.
As a result of R&D, a manufacturing technology
of structural sheets and beams with high technical parameters will be developed
and a prototype production line in a semi-technical scale will be constructed.
Thus manufactured structural sheets and beams will constitute a product
innovation on a global scale because their technical and mechanical parameters
definitely outperform the parameters of the current commercially available
The project is supposed to result in the
development of a manufacturing technology of innovative, next generation timber
materials based on this type of raw material as well as waste timber offcuts.
The patent for the machine for longitudinal timber disintegration belongs to
Black Pearl S.A. and constitutes a basis for the research project. The research
and works are supposed to lead to the development of a production line for a globally unique material – innovative, next generation, 100% environmentally
friendly timber material. The obtained material will enable the manufacture of
high-performance structural materials, such as load-bearing beams, structures
and sheets with physicomechanical parameters surpassing those of other
commercially available materials. Raw materials used for its production can
also entirely come from waste material, recycled timber waste.
The project is a continuation of research works
carried out for several years by the Company, as well as a continuation of the
collaboration with Black Pearl S.A. and Zakłady Przerobu Drewna Poldan.
We are pleased to announce that this long-term
process has been successful and ended with granted subsidy, signed agreement,
and decision to launch the project. This allows us to continue the
works that are supposed to lead us to a large-scale manufacture and higher
revenues of the Company.